31 May 2012


I managed to make it to one fashion show during fashion week in Singapore and I'm so glad I did. I love looking at a brand new collection on the runway and taking in the creative concept of what feels like a tidal wave of new ideas (is that weird?). It was made even more amazing by the fact that these were all local designers from Singapore. Gorgeous work. I love going to events in Singapore and getting to dress up! They always make such an effort to make everything spectacular and it always is, spectacular.

The hair! thank you Passion <3

The Outfit - From depression. I love it!

I think one of the best things about a fashion show is how the lights set the mood at the beginning. How pretty is this!

And then the excitement begins... (excuse the photos, was still on iphone camera here)



A.W.O.L (All Walks Of Life):

This post almost didn't make it up. Is this better, doing shorter but more posts or do you prefer just a really long post about everything but a few? Let me know! I'm still a rookie!

Ming xx 


29 May 2012

YES933 Summer Festival

Just a short post on what an honour it was to be invited to sing at the YES933 Summer Festival the other night!

Shortly after my Autograph session, I was quite nervous as I didn't really have much time to (mentally) prepare for it. Singing on the same line up as such big stars was pretty damn exciting (and SO daunting). My mandarin skills would definitely be put to the test, big time. I think everyone was pretty tired after the climax of my autograph session so no one was acting too panicy about it, which was good in a way.

View from soundcheck. How awesome is the seating layout concept!

I was on right after Olivia Ong for sound check. Although we didn't get a chance to talk, we did share a smile when we passed each other which is good enough for me! I love how calming her music is, it's always on repeat along with some K-pop albums at my regular nail salon haha. ANYWAY. We were (as always) in a big rush to leave for hair and makeup and I was just about to dash into the lift when I got a "WAIT you need to sign 100 clappers before you go!". So I thought this obviously meant 2 or 3.


SO MUCH MORE THAN 100 CLAPPERS! And the worse part was, going through them, every other artists signature was like, printed, amazing, perfect replicas of each other. I had my work cut out for me, hahaha. I think I did ok though, ish. So with a sore hand we finally left to go get ready, woohoo!

Amazing hair and makeup. Now if I could only learn how to do it myself! Ok time for some photos (ok from like no photos I've gone to like a bajillion now that I have a camera so let me know if its all too much please!)

Waiting to perform

The crowd was amazing! Literally, thank you so much to all my fans who came all the way to support me. I'll never be able to show you how much you all mean to me. You guys are the best!

With Jia fa and Pei fen

Chinese being put to the test - oh dear. Cracked a little under pressure - especially when he asked what I've been up to and I decided it was the right time to thank YES933 for inviting me, oops :(.


And that was that! After the performance we were whisked away into the holding room by some security guards (not gonna lie, it was pretty cool). It was one of the few public performances my dad has ever come to as normally he's so scared that he puts pressure on me (so sweet) so he was just as shocked as me. The guards later went on the escort us all the way down the mall to the parking lot - I felt so.. weird? Like I knew nothing would happen but it was so sweet that they cared so much to get security! However, this did mean that when people asked for my photo (even when I tried to break out and take one anyway) I was told that they couldn't let do that :. I was really bummed but I know that they were just doing their job and didn't want to put up a fight and get them (and myself) in any trouble. But still, taking photos with you guys is one of the biggest highlights. I love, I mean LOVE, meeting you!

Dad got given one of these, hahaha. I don't think they knew whether to categorise him as crew or artiste!

I wasn't allowed out to watch the other performances but I did get to meet some people back stage which was really cool. Everyone is really so friendly and nice - its so nice that we can all share music together and it was just a really nice atmosphere. Very lucky to have been able to be a part of it all. I sincerely hope I can do something like this again!

Love love love!
Ming xx


25 May 2012


Apologies for not blogging for so, so long. BUSY BUSY BUSY! I will however get back into it in the next few days (more shorter posts, good idea?). Will save my usual 3 hour rants for when I have more time!

CRAZY day yesterday - my stomach was constantly in my chest (is that the correct terminology? I don't even know, haha, but that's how I felt!), my heart was racing and I just didn't exactly know how I really felt about it all. MY FIRST AUTOGRAPH SESSION. EVER. Would anyone turn up? Oh god. So nerve-wracking-ly exciting.

Day started off with the finale of Xiaohan and 100.3's learning mandarin campus tour. It was the first time EVER that I got to perform Mosaic World, which was fun! I get really into Mosaic World/Miss Think A Lot and then theres that super awkward moment when I just want to swish my hair everywhere and I remember I'm singing in a school with a backing track - probably not too appropriate. Oh well! My time will come!

Ah Ken is so hilarious.

You can tell I've finally gotten a new camera (well, mum has, but I'm 'borrowing' it, haha).

Lovely lovely people. We didn't have time to do a proper photo session which was such a bummer as thats my favourite bit! Some sneaky students came back stage after I sang though (sweethearts!) and we got a few snaps in! I really hope I can start doing a campus tour of my own - would love a chance to meet more of you!

Xiaohan Laoshi rocking the thumbs up pose

After this and several "Ming, stop stressing"'s, we (gracefully-ish) ran our butts off to the car and zoomed off to media corp for our 5 minute fitting followed by another not so graceful sprint back out and to Passion to get my hair and makeup done in time for the autograph session!

Hair and makeup is serious business. It's so amazing how people can transform you - I admire it like a work of art.

The transformation.

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Comparison photos - my head tilting finally comes of use!)

Back stage with my honey water - awkward/nervous/shy/scared/freaking-out-WHAT-IS-GOING-ON smile.

Kunhua from YES933 was so fun! He even said my mandarin had improved (HORAH!). Honestly made me feel loads more relaxed, what a sweetheart.

Pen all ready for some serious signing! (Although if my sister was there she'd be wondering why anyone would want my ugly signature, hahaha)

Hi boys!

Xiaohan Laoshi - What a cutie!

My 'I really don't want to misspell your name' face

Gifts from my lovely fans! You guys are far too kind. Coming to support me at my autograph session literally meant the world to me - thats a gift in itself. Thank you so much for your kind words, support, and sharing my music! It was so amazing to finally get the opporunity to meet you and thank you all in person! I know some people weren't able to make it but hopefully there will be other opportunities. AND more photo opportunities soon?! I hope so! I was super bummed that we didn't manage to get time for photos :(.

I'm just in awe. I can't believe I've had my OWN AUTOGRAPH SESSION!? That is insane! And it's all thanks to you amazing, beautiful people. I love you all so much! Thank you for believing in me! I also need to say a HUGE HUGE thank you for my team for supporting me and trying to keep me calm while I was freaking out backstage. Yen, Xiaohan and my mum were by my side the whole time and my amazing mum just helped me with so much I don't know what I'd do without her. And my cousins who didn't even tell me they were coming but came to support me :). My dad couldn't even come because he was too nervous for me, so sweet. I'm so lucky to have such supporting family, friends and fans. I'm just so, so unbelievably thankful.

If you didn't get a chance to catch me live, I'll be performing tomorrow (Sunday 27th) at Changi City Point Arena @ Level 3 at 7pm! The line up looks AMAZING! Hope to see you there!

Lots and lots and lots and lots of love!
Ming xx 

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