29 June 2012



During rehearsal

 I was fortunate enough to be taken along with the MediaCorp crew for the recording of the concert 'Starry Starry Night' in conjunction with CCTV stars. It was, amazing.

Literally just a short post to tell you all about the trip! We started off by going straight in for rehearsals. I was just BLOWN AWAY by the set. I'm sure you'll all be tuning in tomorrow but honestly, I can't wait to see how it all turned out because the lighting and effects were all so cool, so beautiful, so out of this world. ANYWAY.

Managed to go watch my first mandarin play. Yes - play. in. mandarin. It was... interesting. Very very funny (well the bits I understood) and it was like nothing I had seen before. It was like, 2 plays in one, and about each play competing for practice time on set so .. we just watched a bit of one play then a bit of another. Interesting concept!

We then got wooshed away to eat and it was about time! STARVING. Someone told me on the trip that apparently singers are always hungry. I don't really know if thats due to them dieting or due to them always moving around but maybe that explains it all! I'M ALWAYS HUNGRY!

This place was cool! I kinda sucked it up when they brought us to a place called 'Spice Spirit', as I'm not very good with spicy stuff but I thought I'd do my best. I wasn't the only one hungry by this point. It was so cool though having a timer on the table! I didn't know if I wanted the food to come faster because I was hungry or for it to be ages so the timer would run out and we'd get it for free! Very smart - kept us all entertained for far longer than it should of, hehe.

AND THEN WE ARE PRESENTED WITH THIS. And some bread. FISH SOAKED IN OIL. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS - but very, very sinful. I think this is probably a once a year indulgence, haha, although (as seen in my last post) we ended up having it again in Dalian. They ordered it for us! It wasn't our fault! Obviously a very big deal in China - I could see why! Yum yum yum.

Afterwards we did some walking around. I love street food!

There was also a famous hang out that we stopped by at called 'The Tree'. So popular that they had to open another hangout place right next to it called 'By The Tree'. This made me giggle. How cute!

We then went off to Dalian, and then came back! (Transitional post previously, hope this isn't too confusing!)

Off the rehearsals!

It was so strict. We arrived by bus and all had to go in together to avoid being shut out. And once you're in, you're in. The guards took no prisoners. Their arms were so straight and their moves so constrained. I don't know how they do it, I really don't! So much tolerance!

More pretty set photos, I won't give them all away! You have to watch the show, even if its just to see how beautiful and magical the sets are!

After rehearsal had some time to take a few snaps!

Darryl and I

They told me big hair and big hair is what I got!

Gurmit and I. SUCH AN HONOUR. My cousins, sister and I literally love him so much, I used to sing 'SARS is a virus' allllllll the time! It was so cool to get to meet him. I was giggling like a little girl afterwards.

Jing Lun and I

Lao Shi and I reunited!

Darryl showed me this in the waiting room - awesome!

Joi Chua and I after the performance - ready for the 'after party'!
The girls

Probably the only photo of Eric and I together from the whole trip!

Chong Qing and I

Things were so chaotic backstage, I can't even begin to explain! Finally managed to meet Bella right before our duet together and it was panic panic panic! She was so sweet and lovely though. We quickly sorted out what we were doing and then that was that! SHOW TIME! She told me not to worry, and that she was nervous too. So she took my hand, we wished each other luck and got into position.

Watch the show Sunday night on Channel 8 at 7PM! (Sunday 1st July)


28 June 2012


Seems fitting. Actually, I've never seen the video before but I love the song <3


Ok so I know we went to Beijing first. But we had a little side trip on the side to Dalian for another gig which was pretty exciting. Ok, VERY exciting. It was my first time to Dalian and I honestly didn't know what to expect except the promise of very yummy seafood!

Soundcheck at Roosevelt Centre

The place was HUMONGOUS!! Looked seriously cool. Made a mental note to come back and have a little shop if I had the time. It's been so long since I've actually been able to go shopping without an agenda - those times are the best! ANYWAY.

FOOD TIME! We were brought to this place where the specialty was ... fish in ... oil? I was slightly confused. Especially as we had the exact same dish the night before in Beijing (will post).

CUTE! Apparently this is normal as well but nothing I've ever seen before!

My first experience watching these live crayfish be poured into a bowl and then have steaming water thrusted upon them. They went crazy! (obviously). I didn't even have time to react I just looked away immediately, I was so shocked!! I felt really bad after but the lady taking care of us tried to comfort me by saying "I felt the same too, until I realised how delicious they were" hahaha. I touched a bit of hers and that was it for me.

The fish in the one below! In Beijing we were given some bread to soak some of the oil off with but here it was 'au naturel' as it gets. Goodbye health diet.

DAY 2. Getting ready for the Mall Opening!

Me trying to keep chilled while this was going on..

CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY! I didn't even realise I had any fans at all in China let alone Dalian! Literally SUCH an honour to be able to sing for all of you and have your support. You guys were so amazing and so sweet and welcoming.

Awkwardly suprised by the bubble machine. It was a good awkward, though. As good as those get.

Super happy with my balloon! 2 fans ran on to the stage, one during my first song to give me flowers and one in another to give me balloons. I really want to say that it was very, very sweet of you. I honestly didn't know how to react! I never expected it! It was very brave and very kind but you guys just showing up already means the world to me. Your support makes me feel so happy and I'm so grateful that I get to perform for people and make them smile too.

Suprise number two! SO COOL.

HOW CRAZY IS THIS!! You guys are so amazing!

I love flowers. I really, really do. Thank you guys for these, they were so beautiful! I was skipping all the way home (the only way one can in heels, with a lot of skill and dignity, hahaha).

BUT BEFORE, we were, again, suprised and invited to a big lunch by Roosevelt Centre.

And you see my health diet slip more and more into oblivion.. YUM YUM YUM. After lunch we had a little time before the flight back to Beijing so I asked if I could possibly go back and have a look around the mall. They had just opened a new section below called T-Zone which was pretty sa-weeeeet.

Maybe because of these!

So cute!

Everything had a very 'hip' vibe and the atmosphere was very colourful.

I got offered a free health smoothie and for once took up the opportunity (I was sold at the word 'health') and was handed the most delicious mango smoothie.

And did I mention the super cute straw?

It doesn't take much to please a girl, especially a girly one. Its the simple things I guess! 

Sorry I've been so bad with the updates, I hope my blogging skills are good enough with these little journal posts! Let me know more about what you want to hear! It's all for you!

Lots of love,
Ming xx

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