I spend far too much time looking at blogs. I'm such a fan of blogs such as the actors diet where they literally just post every single thing they eat, leading me to the conclusion that I really do have a problem with food. ANYWAY.
Went to try the dinner buffet at the hotel yesterday and came across this tasty concoction. Now, all the ingredients make it look SUPER healthy but whether or not they've added things unseen to the human eye (probably) is unknown. I've learnt in these cases its best to just, hope for the best instead of stressing out (which is probably even more unhealthy).
I LOVE SWEET POTATO AND COCONUT MILK. Asian desserts are so good!
Took a walk through Tong Hua market after dinner - oh my god the puppies.
The biggest incentive to move here.
And this!? ICE CREAM!
How cool is that!? Everyone was stopping to get them and take photos - too bad I was full.
I did stop by and get a taro milk tea - it was so delicious. I love how they have calorie count for the tea's hahaha.
Anyway! After a hard weeks worth of dancing mum and I enjoyed our beautiful hot Saturday (the weather here is so unpredictable!?) at Jianguo Holiday Flower Market.
Couldn't decide which photo I loved more!
Is it only Taipei that's obsessed with baby doggies!?
If you're living in Taipei and you want a dog (this little cutie is called Carrot Cake) do check out the website below about adoption.
We ended our walk in what we were told was the 'Central Park' of Taipei. Probably because it's the biggest park in Taipei, hah!
Does that make Botanical Gardens the Central Park of Singapore?
Ended the day post-hot yoga at Maple Maple cafe, originally shown to me by my friend Alan and his girlfriend. The told me there was this amazing organic restaurant and gave me the address in mandarin so the first time I went I decided I'd just hop in a taxi and show the address. 30 seconds later I was dropped right in front of my favourite bento place like 100meters from where I was. This cafe was opposite it. What!?!?
Had organic pasta salad bowl followed by some organic fish. Actually the first time in ages that I've had pasta by choice without it being a binge or freaking out about carbs. I'm proud of myself! I thoroughly enjoyed my meal.
And so did mummy bridges with her organic wine (which came from a little dispenser machine - SO COOL).